Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yesterday I got to go and take pictures of a friend of mines sister-in-law, who is a musician and amazing painter/artist named Jessica Rollins. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and drove out to Conyers, GA where she and her husband live. They have some amazing land they were given that pretty much turned out to be one of my favorite shooting locations thus far. I was afraid the weather wasn't going to be good, but it was sunny with a few clouds in the sky and smokin' hot! Jessica was so fun, but I believe my favorite part of the day was having her sister use my fold up reflector as a giant fan to create wind that I used to blow her hair around. I love finding different ways to use my existing equipment. All in all in was an amazing day to be behind the camera.

Well this is the first post I have made in a long time, as Im sure you can see. As much as I hate the idea of being responsible for keeping up with a blog, I know that it will be good for me to. My wife made the great point that it helps give people a glimpse into my personality and what I am like. So, that being said, this is me, at least a glimpse into who I am and how I see life through my camera.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So for my birthday, my lovely wife surprised me with the best birthday present ever. She signed me up for this photography workshop here in Atlanta called One Light. It is put on by a local photographer named Zack Arias, which if you are into the Atlanta music scene at all you have probably seen his work ( The workshop is all about how to use one off camera flash to achieve beautiful, striking images. Sarah and I were familiar with his work also because Zach and his friend Marc Climie  ( shot our wedding. Anyways, here are some photos that I took yesterday while at the workshop. Enjoy...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My first post

I am 26 years old and live in Atlanta Georgia. I have been married for a little over a year and a half, and my wife and I just had our first little baby girl. I am trying to finish a program as an Art Director at a school in downtown Atlanta called The Creative Circus. I am a musician, a photographer, and a designer and my dream is that one day I will be able to completely care for my family using those gifts that I have been given. I want to use this blog as a tool to document that journey.